Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Breaking Dawn

OK Twihearts a date for the release of Breaking Dawn part 2 has been set for something Nov 16th 2012 The Second movie many even be released in 3d which i think sucks because everybody's trying to do it. Just keep it classic the (people at Paramount pics)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Levi is an asshole

Levi. Bristol panels baby's daddy is running for manor of Alaska. But dude has just also stared in a music video dissing his baby's mama and her mother Sarah palin in a video about a guy's who's relationship is failing because of the girlfriends mother

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Wyclef For President

Wyclef Jean announced earlier this week that he is running for President of Haiti. My country. Yes i am Haiti and loving it. So it's only natural that i write about this subject. I as well as Sean Penn have some concerns about this leap. I personally think that Wyclef is not qualified to be president. He doesn't have any governmental knowledge. And he doesn't meet the requirement of having live in Haiti for 5 consecutive years. Also the fact that he owes the IRS. If he cant handle his own finances how will he mange a whole country. Not to mention that he was accused of pocketing 4 million from his charity for Haiti so i just don't know. Sean Penn thinks that he may have ulterior motives or maybe that the people that are funding him have something to hide. But i wouldn't go as far as to say that. But lets see how it goes. Yele Haiti

Kendall Jenner

Yes the baby Kardashian is modeling. Those pictures are hot hot HOT.... But no no NO they are to risky. Lets not forget she is 14. I don't think she should be posing like in a bikini at that age. Her age was played up to much she looks like she is at lest 20 in those pics. And Bruce you know that interview was so fake. I know you wanted to pull your hair out because you know their are going to be grown men looking at your 14 doing god knows what. But on the flip side she did have some very tasteful high fashion shots where she is fully dress. It looks like she is a natural. Who would have thunk it the tom buy sister that didn't even want to talk about a period. And Kris stop trying to be your kids friend because you know a 14 year shouldn't be doing that. And you said it yourself something somebody in their 20's would be doing. Enough said i think.